Copycats, and Padme art

I finished everything. I’m so proud of myself for getting everything done a day early! The only thing not finished is my mask, and it can ride in the suitcase if it’s not done in time for me to send in the box tomorrow.
Tonight is packing & cleaning and tomorrow night is more cleaning – we’ve got to get the house straightened up, not just because of the typical pre-con craziness but also because when we got back on Sunday, Chase’s parents will be here! They’re driving down on Saturday. So we won’t have time to clean the house up for them to see before they come over.

Ok, so last week I got a pm from a person on I recognized the name as someone who had fav-ed some of my pics on flickr, opened up the PM and it was nice, complimenting my costumes and saying she was looking forward to my Jane costume.
All very nice, except her profile pic was of me in my Bespin Leia costume. Weird! I didn’t say anything at that point, I just let it slide.
Got a PM yesterday from Crystal on the RL boards asking if I’d submitted anything lately. I said no, and she pointed in me the direction of this person’s deviantart page, the same person who had pmed me on
Well this person is flat out pretending to be me, even going so far as to copy my own little bio right down to having a dog named Indy. This person had uploaded multiple pics of my Leia and Padme costumes saying they were of her, and taken two of my pieces of artwork, recoloured them and posted them as something else.
I posted on her comment page asking her to take stuff down, and also went through and reported everything that wasn’t hers (there were a few things in her gallery that had nothing to do with me.)
It really put me in the mind of back in the day I had this one person who constantly, persistently stole a lot of my artwork, including my online comic and reposted it on multiple websites. I’d get one shut down just to have her start another a few months later.
I’ve never had anyone pretend to be ME though. I don’t really know why someone would pick ME, honestly, there’s much more talented and prettier costumers out there I’d think people would rather pretend to be!

and I have to say, I’m really humbled by how many people came to my aid and also reported the person or commented šŸ™‚
So far the gallery is still there, I’m hoping it’s gone by the time I leave for my trip so I don’t have to worry with it.

today’s princess is Padme!